Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Car!

Yes, I am very excited. The Rodriguez family (that's us) bought our first car together this week! Mauro has had the same truck for a few years before we were married, and I had been given vehicles from my parents and sister. But this week, we grew up a little. Our fancy new (used) car is a 2005 Subaru Outback Limited. WooHoo! Mauro had been searching Craigslist for a few months now, we knew it was time for something bigger with another bebe on the way, and all of the 'stuff' that comes with them! The car has a rack (storage, not boobs,) leather, huge sunroof, huge hatchback, heated seats, great stereo, plenty of space for our soon to be family of FOUR! We had to do some serious scrubbing, but it now smells and looks beautiful. One more cleaning of the leather and I'll be happy. No used car comes from Craigslist without needing a few things, but we worked that knowledge into the price and feel like we got an amazing deal. Over the next month we will put new tires, new O2 sensor, and a few other technical things that Mauro knows about. I am so thankful for how smoothly the deal worked out, except for getting lost in Houston to look at it. We will sell our car and truck, but have some time to get the price we want, which is great. Happy!

Needless to say, this week has been completely off schedule! Not only did we buy a car on Tuesday, on Wednesday Mauro didn't have to go into work so we got to spend the day together. We snuggled, cleaned, scrubbed, talked, and had a wonderful day as a family. Amali was thrilled that Pape wasn't at work.

Thursday was interesting. Mauro was working late into the night, and when I brought the dogs in Zelia had a hugely swollen face. I had no clue why. It was giant. I tried to get a picture but couldn't capture the craziness of how huge she was. I gave her 2 benedryl and hoped for the best. She is fine now, after a few days of redness, swelling, and a big tounge.

Friday I got to spend the afternoon with Jenne and Teresa, two of my very favorite women. Jenne and I saw "One for the Money," the first movie in the Janet Evanovich series of books. We share a love for this series, so planned an afternoon (opening day) to see it together. It was great! Then Teresa, Jenne, and I went to HEB Blooms to figure out the flowers for Cody and Jenne's wedding. Just a couple months away! Jenne has beautiful taste, and it was fun to hear her vision for the big day! She also asked me to make her a gown/cloak/coat/robe/sort of/dress cover. So we went to JoAnne's to find a pattern that at least kindof fit what she wanted. We found it! Phew! It is a pattern for a coat, but it'll work! We also got a pretty blue crepe to make it out of. I read the pattern last night, trying to figure it out. I am not a fan of patterns. But I think I get it now! I'm also making a belt to go with it, and going to trim it in something spectacular. It will be beautiful! So I am very excited to make it for her, and I hope it's even better then what she had in mind. I was thankful that Amali spent the afternoon with a friend, she had a blast and momma did too!

Today Mauro spent the day cleaning the garage, and got so much done. Then we went to Brooklynn and Alyssa's birthday party, and had a blast! It's nice to have great friends so close.


Am and KeKe!

Brooklynn and Amali

Devon helping Amali

Overall, it was a great week! The usual didn't happen, and extraordinary filled its place :).

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