Friday, September 7, 2012

A week of Firsts

This week was a week of firsts for us!

Amali started Pre-School! We started going to the homeschool co-op on Wednesdays. Am loves her class, and her teachers, and has made sweet friends! They practice all sorts of fun things like writing their name, cutting with scissors, arts and crafts, singing, and of course playing! I assist in her class for the first hour, and am looking forward to getting to know everyone! The second hour I assist in Science, and the third hour I assist in Nursery. I was going to teach a Story Hour class but not enough kiddos signed up, so it got cut. I was super bummed!

Cinco started eating food! He has been very interested in what we are eating over the past few weeks, and since he turned 4 months this week we decided it was time to let him eat! First he gnawed on a piece of apple. Delighted. Then a couple days later he sucked on a peeled grape. Thrilled. Yesterday I gave him broth from the beef stew I had made for dinner. He sucked that down like it was manna from Heaven! Today I finely ground some brown rice, boiled it, and fed it to him with mommas milk. Again, he was super happy to eat and grabbed the spoon to shove it in his mouth! He's a happy baby alright, but with food he is as excited as a 4 month old can be! Pretty dang cute.

This is one happy family! 


Becky said...

They grow so fast! Awesome preschool co-op!

Michelle said...

Thanks! Did you notice your bib!! We love them!