Saturday, January 28, 2012

Potty Training

Oh Potty Training. How I loathe the.

We have been doing this potty thing for over a year. Today a lady told me her daughter, who is 4 days older then Amali, has been potty trained since she was 18 months. I felt so upset that we are so far behind. Yes, I know that many are not trained until they are 3 or even older. And that is fine for them. I feel like a failure because I have been trying so hard at something that is not happening. I realize she will learn when she is ready, but I feel like so much of it is my responsibility. What am I doing wrong?

We will keep trying. And trying different things.


Darcie and Zeus said...

Girl, relax and give yourself a break! :) Amaali is such a smart little cookie that I'm sure one day she'll surprise you by being totally potty trained, but it will probably be when SHE's ready. I totally know what you're feeling though. Miss Mia didn't walk until she was 18 months old practically - not because she couldn't, but because SHE was not ready yet and wanted to do it on her own time. Man did it make me want to have a nervous melt down and was an entire NINE MONTHS - which is like 270 DAYS- later than when I walked. I totally felt like a failure, and it was a silly for me to fret about that as it is for you to worry about potty training. If she was thirty and not potty trained, lol, that would be different. :) Love you girl!!! Oh, and don't read my blog because I'm working on potty training with Mia right now. hehe

Natalie Loving Blair said...

I started with Brooklyn at 18 months but it was me constantly putting her on the potty and reading to her and making it fun. Then 4 months later when Reed came home from the hospital she felt like she needed some attention that day and went and sat on the potty and went all by herself without any reminders. From then on it was great! So hopefully when your new baby gets here you will have the same luck. I asked the dr about Reed because I started introducing the potty last month (18 months) and she said there is a window of time that the kids will still do what you say. If you miss that window of time they will just have to do it when THEY are ready, not necessarily when YOU are ready. So I am trying to catch that window now. Diapers are expensive and really didn't want to have 2 kids in diapers. So anyways, good luck! Potty training is definately not fun! :)

Michelle said...

thanks. the frustrating part is we've been trying since she was 18 months! we did the 'potty training in 3 days' method. she does great naked, but has never been good at with panties. we have great weeks, but then she forgets! i really hope that in time she'll get it. she poops in the potty, it's the pee that she forgets about. and has no problem peeing in the floor, or outside. i think maybe we've tried too many things and too many times. she does love the potty, loves to sit and sing on it, which is nice. oh my girl.