Sunday, February 12, 2012

SUCCESS is sweet!

At just over two and a half years old, our silly little Bubbs is POTTY TRAINED! It has been a week and a half of pure wonder. Yes, there were accidents. But gradually, she has learned. For the past week, she has had either no accidents, or one or two understandable ones each day. She thought for a while that pottying outside was okay. Even in her panties. She has realized that feels yucky too. So we solved that. Thursday we ran errands- Accident free! Friday we did a million things all day, 2 accidents, both poop. I wasn't paying enough attention. Yesterday we were at YaYa's for the shower- all day accident free! Today has been accident free too. I'm so proud of her!

So what worked? Reminding her constantly. Asking her instead of demanding. Letting her do it by herself. Getting excited when she is successful. Treats and rewards (in this house a lot constitutes a treat, not just food.) Leaving the light on in the bathroom. Starting early in the morning. Having her help me go potty too. Watching Elmo's Potty Time. She was ready to be a big girl.

What are we still working on? Nap and bed time. I put her in pull ups. She has woken up dry for the past few nights. So we'll try panties soon. Naptime though is the trick. She has abandoned the conventional nap. Opting instead for "quiet time." Fine by me, as long as it's an hour. Unfortunately, she poops about this time. So if I put a pull up on her and put her in her room, she poops. I have told her to let me know if she needs to poop and we will go. And I put her on the potty before nap time every day. We'll see how this works out. I have a few more ideas.

Overall, our baby girl is growing up. No more diapers, and now putting a diaper on her seems like a punishment. And really strange. I am so glad that she was ready and we are diaper free, at least for the next few months.

Update Feb 19- Still going great in panties! How excited am I? VERY!!!!! Be warned, she really enjoys talking to others about butts, poop, panties, and penis. Just saying. It's what she's learning so wants everyone else to share in her knowledge. Appropriate conversation is a concept she is still not grasping.

1 comment:

Darcie and Zeus said...

Hooray Amali!!!! :) and YAY mama!!!