Monday, October 17, 2011

Family Service

This weekend has been fantastic.

First, Teresa came over on Friday to clean my kitchen and fridge, and cook 2 full meals for us. She also took Amali for the night to the land so we could get some sleep. I so much appreciate her selfless service, she is always there for us whatever our need. Even when she is busy with work, Operation Christmas Gift, and everything else, she makes the time to show her family she loves us.

Then, on very short notice, my parents came down to clean the entire house, do laundry, build a gate for the chicken coup, and play with Amali. This gave me time to work on Amali's Halloween costume and get some much needed rest. Mom worked her tail off, doing dishes, dusting, vacuuming, organizing, and feeding everyone. Mauro and Pops worked outside building the gate for the chicken coup- which looks wonderful! Pops also gave me a blessing, and gave our home a blessing. It was a beautiful prayer that I know will protect us and bring the Spirit to our home. 

New Gate for the Chicken Yard

 Amali knows how to open the gate....

What joy our family brings us. We appreciate their hard work and sacrifice to help us when we need it most. Not only the physical help they bring, but the emotional and spiritual love they provide. What a blessing!

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