Monday, October 17, 2011

Thornton Family Reunion

The first weekend in October this year was the Thornton-McCorquodale family reunion. So we loaded up the car and headed to far east Texas. The trip was miserable- between my hormone fog, carsickness, and having to stop to throw up every hour- and Amali cranky from being strapped in a 5 point harness- and Pape not enjoying seeing his babes so sad. Well, we got there. We stayed in a cute but dirty cabin at Artesian Springs in Newton. After cleaning and setting up house, Amali and I crashed for the night. Mauro went to his uncles cabin for some good family time, and came back to fall asleep early in the morning. 

Yes, we let her drive sometimes. :) Okay it was down a country road.

Saturday was a much nicer day! Jenne kept Amali and Gabriel busy while I got ready, then we went "into town" for supplies. Then was the reunion! It was great to see everyone, and for everyone to meet our little Amali! 

 Family Photo

Then on Sunday we stopped by Kathleen McCorquodale's home, which was so fun! We got to look around her sewing room and hear so many great stories about her quilts. Beautiful! We walked around her property, got to see the family sawmill that still works, and talk gardens and plants. Lovely day!

 Kathleen's Sewing Room

 Kayla, Cody, and Mauro by the sawmill

Gabriel and Amali checking out the sawmill


Jean Thornton Rodriguez Clark said...

No comments of seeing her grandparents? GiGi and Grandpa Curtis? We had a great time and I'm glad you were able to go to our family reunion. It breaks my heart that we are never included in pictures or your posts. You have always been loved before you were here. Hugs.. Jean

Jean Thornton Rodriguez Clark said...

Thank you for taking time to visit with my cousin Kathleen and my brother JR. Granny, Daniel and Shell, Sherry and others enjoyed visiting with you. Hugs.. Jean