Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thump Thump Goes My Heart

Today we got to hear baby Bun's heartbeat! The appointment today was merely to check up on my labs, and I had several questions for Dr. Braunstein. I got in the room and the nurse said "Well, you are almost at 12 weeks so lets try to hear the heartbeat! But don't worry if we can't, its still early" She pulled out the monitor, put it on a few different spots, and there it was! Loud, strong, and breathtakingly beautiful. 170 bpm. Amali's eyes got big when she heard the rapid 'thump thump thump' and she said "What is THAT? BABY?!?!" She excitedly crawled on the table, pulled her shirt up, and said I listen to baby in my tummie too. Such a sweet girl. Daddy missed it bc we didn't think we'd do anything except labs. But he can come to the next one and listen to the enchanting thumps too. I'm 12 weeks on Friday, so this concludes my first trimester. I have started feeling better which is a great relief. Dr. B also said it sounds like I have severe acid reflux which is causing some of my throwing up, so put me on Zantac. Hope it helps! I've lost 8 lbs, but she's fine with that as long as it comes up next time. I've also been feeling Bun moving this week, it's incredible! So fun and reassuring. Great appointment, great day! Amali and I went for lunch and to do some shopping afterward.

Oh and can I just mention how AMAZING this fall weather is! Beautiful outside, a cool 68 right now. Ahhhh.. Smells like fall.

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