Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Monkeying around at the Cluff's Christmas Party
She loved the fire, but not taking a picture beside it
big girl!
playing out back- which is where she stayed the whole party!
Sportsmobile Christmas Party- they loved the fruit!

Gabriel stole his gift- way to get in the spirit of Elephant gifting!

Amali got a movie

playing around being silly

auntie Kayla showing how to use a cane

sitting with Presley

Auntie Kayla, Aunt Jenne, and Gabriel

family shot

YaYa's after church

Auntie Kayla's new bike!
We had two Christmas parties to go to on Saturday night- and had a blast at both! We wish we could have stayed longer with the Cluff's, they caroled at the Retirement Home! But we had to get to west Austin so had to leave early. Next was the Sportsmobile Christmas party, a fun time every year! They did an elephant gift exchange, and it was so cute when Gabriel went and stole a playdoh pack from another little girl, without encouragement! Kayla wore a dress that I hemmed up for her that was my moms! And looked very good! Sunday Mauro went with Kayla to get a new bike! Big weekend for Kayla- new bike, new house, and new phone!

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